Tollgate Island Classic
Since its inception, the club has run its annual tournament, the Tollgate Islands Classic in January of each year.
This tournament is widely regarded as one of the best and most popular game fishing tournaments on the South Coast.
The 2025 Tollgate Islands Classic will be held on 17th, 18th, and19th January 2025.
Thursday 16th January 2025
Registration for competing boats & anglers from 5:00pm at Batemans Bay Marina Resort 49 Beach Road Batemans Bay
Briefing will commence at 7:00 pm sharp. Food and drinks supplied.
Raffle of Shimano Stella 14000xg + rod will be drawn at the conclusion of the briefing.
Raffle of shimano 50 wlsra + rod will be drawn at the conclusion of the briefing.
Friday 17th January 2025
Fishing commences at 7:00am and ceases at 4:30pm. Weigh station opens at 4:00pm.
Tournament Chinese buffet dinner commencing at 7:30pm at Bateman’s Bay Soldiers Club, Beach Rd Batemans Bay. Raffle ticket sales with raffle prizes to be drawn during the evening.
Saturday 18th January 2025
Start with sail past at 6.30 am sharp from Marina entrance and motor to snapper island vessels will be issued numbers of place at Tournament Dinner. Fishing commences at 8:00am and ceases at 5:30pm. Weigh station opens at 4:00pm..
Sunday 19th January 2025
Fishing commences 7:00am and ceases at 3:00pm. Weigh station opens at 3:00pm and closes at 4:30pm.
All fish, tackle etc. to be in confines of weigh station by 4:00pm.
Tournament presentation of trophies and prizes will be held on the grounds of the Batemans Bay Marina Resort Beach Road from 5:00pm.
Power & Sail Heaviest Marlin Capture
$4000 Cash marlin over 120 kg
Shimano Heaviest Gamefish Male
Shimano Tiagra 50wlrsa + 24 kg Speed Master Rod
Coast to Country Kitchens Heaviest Gamefish Female
Shimano Tiagra 50wlrsa + 24 kg Speed Master Rod
Carpet Court Batemans BayHeaviest Gamefish by a Junior
Shimano Talica 16 + Rod
Smart Windows Heaviest Gamefish by a Small fry
Shimano Saragosa 14000 + Rod
Batemans Bay Marina Resort Heaviest Other Gamefish
Shimano Saragosa 14000 + Rod
Garmin Most Marlin T&R by Boat
$5000.00 cash & $ 2000.00 Garmin Voucher & Undertow shirt package value $1000.00
Steeline 2nd Most Marlin T&R by Boat
$3000.00 Cash & $ 2000.00 Garmin Voucher
JB Lure 3rd Most Marlin T&R by Boat
$2000.00 Cash & $ 1000.00 Garmin Voucher
Undertow 4th Most Marlin T&R by Boat
$1500 @FISH Batemans Bay Voucher
Club Marine 5th Most Marlin T&R by Boat
$500.00 cash & $500.00 Club Marine Voucher
Eurobodalla Coast Pump Outs Most Sharks T&R by Boat
Shimano Tyrnos II 30 + Rod
Coastal Concrete Most Other Game Fish T&R by Boat
Shimano Saragosa 14000 + Rod
D’Albora Champion Male T&R Marlin
Shimano Tiagra 50wlrsa + Rod
Trapman Australia Champion Female T&R Marlin
Shimano Tiagra 50wlrsa + Rod
Batemans Bay Fish Moulds Champion Junior T&R Marlin
Shimano Talica 16 + Rod
Batemans Bay Auto Detailing Champion Small Fry T&R Marlin
Shimano Saragosa 14000 + Rod
Other Prizes
- Voucher from Bec’s Beauty Bliss for first female angler to tag a fish each day of fishing (Can only win once)
- Club Marine $500 Voucher to unlucky boat on 2 days of fishing (Boat who has accumulated zero points)
- Early Boat entry draw of up to 4 anglers’ free entry into 2026 Garmin Tollgate Island Classic
- Unlucky boat draw. Free entry to 2026 Garmin Tollgate Island Classic for 2 anglers (Boat that has accumulated zero points for tournament)
- Unlucky angler draw. 1 tournament shirt and 1 free entry to 2026 Garmin Tollgate Island Classic (Angler who has accumulated zero points for tournament)
- JB lure every sked to random boat.
Rules And Entry Forms
The President invites anglers who are financial members of a Club affiliated with a State Association, which is affiliated with the Game Fishing Association of Australia (GFAA) or the Australian National Sport Fishing Association (ANSA) to participate in this tournament. Proof of membership must be produced on request. If no proof is available anglers must pay the $100.00 BATEMANS BAY GAME FISHING CLUB membership fee. The Club reserves the right to refuse any entry received.
All teams must consist of at least two registered anglers. The Boat Captain and any persons involved in effecting a capture or tag and release must be registered anglers. Observers are not permitted, penalty disqualification. ANSA members must fish on a NSWGFA registered vessel.
Boats must be seaworthy and comply with NSW RMS regulations and have the required safety equipment on board. To comply is the responsibility of boat owners and crew.
All teams must advise details of their comprehensive insurance covering public liability and property damage to a minimum value of $5m.
By entering this tournament boat captains and crew agree that they participate in the tournament at their own risk. The Batemans Bay Game Fishing Club Inc. will not be responsible for any accident and/or injury that occurs travelling to the tournament, during the tournament or travelling home from the tournament.
On their first day of fishing all boats must return to Batemans Bay by water. On subsequent days boats must fish from Batemans Bay.
Once the tournament commences, no vessel may be substituted for another vessel and no angler is permitted to fish upon another vessel other than the vessel on which he or she entered the tournament.
Junior & Small Fry anglers wishing to compete for prizes other than those dedicated for Junior & Small fry categories are required to pay the full entry fee of a senior competitor. A Junior or Small Fry paying the full entry fee is still eligible for trophies in the Junior & Small Fry categories.
Anglers who wish to participate but who are not members of an affiliated club may join Batemans Bay Game Fishing Club at a cost of $100.00 membership valid till 31/05/25.
To qualify for an NSW Coastal Waters Trophy or NSW record the angler must be a financial member of a NSWGFA affiliated club prior to the capture of the fish.
In the event of the tournament being cancelled in part or whole there will be no refunds after Thursday 16th January 2025. Fish caught and reported up to the time of cancellation will be eligible for weighing. A full refund will be given if a team withdraws, or the event is cancelled before 7:00pm Thursday 16th January 2025. Refunds will be issued within 7 days of cancellation or withdrawing.
In the event of the tournament being cancelled after commencement of the tournament any fish caught and reported up to the time of cancellation will be eligible for weighing and point score.
In the event of a gale warning on the first day of fishing, boats travelling by sea can fish from their own ports on the second day if no gale warning is issued. All boats must fish from Batemans Bay on all other days after the first possible day of fishing for the tournament.
In the event of a GALE warning being issued by the appropriate government weather authority ALL FISHING MUST CEASE. Cancellation will only apply until the Gale Warning is lifted. Fish captured or tagged prior to the official time of warning by tournament base count in the tournament. Once notified by tournament base ALL BOATS MUST RETURN TO PORT. Fish being fought/played or hooked up after the cancellation is issued will be ineligible for this tournament.
All boats, including those travelling by sea must sign on with Tournament Base prior to commencing to fish. Failure to do so will result in disqualification of all capture and tag and release points for that day.
All boats must be equipped with a serviceable VHF marine radio with a minimum of Channels 16 and 80 frequencies.
Tournament Base will continue to operate until every boat is accounted for each day.
Signing on and off should be done when leaving or entering the marina or Hanging Rock launching ramp.
Radio base direct contact will be.
Gordon Patterson – 0459 020 344.
All boats must sign on and off each day. Boats failing to do so, without good reason, will be penalised 2001 capture and 2001 tag and release points.
Anglers must, when a capture is reported, give anglers name, fish species and an accurate estimated weight of the fish, line class and time of Capture.
T&R is to be provided by the team and verified by Sked Master (Tournament Base)
In the event of a boat suffering radio failure, they must contact another boat or telephone and advise Tournament Base of the problem and immediately RETURN TO PORT.
Radio Skeds will be conducted under the NSWGFA “Guidelines for Radio Skeds for Tournaments” as are in effect at the time.
If a Vessel misses two (2) skeds Tournament Base will commence emergency procedures.
Radio skeds will be conducted at 2 hourly intervals on VHF Channel 80.
Three minutes silence must be observed on the hour for communication from any vessels encountering difficulties, and for ten minutes prior to the end of fishing on each day to allow registration of hook-ups and those fish still being fought.
When responding to calls from tournament base, teams must give their team number, boat name and position from the Sked Map provided.
Reporting is by Zero, Zero, Zero system (Strikes, Hookups, T&R/Captures)
- The fishing area for the tournament is defined as any area between a line 36 15 or 2Z (North of Montague) in the south on the sked map and 35 24 or 2J (South of Ulladulla) in the north. This is to isolate the fishing area in line with the B.O.M forecast area for the Batemans Coast.
- NO FISHING other than bait fishing is permitted west of a line drawn from Yellow Rock to Burrewarra Point. Failure to comply will result in disqualification of all captures and T&R made by the offenders on the day.
- Fishing times are
Friday 17th 7.00am to 4.30pm
Saturday 18th 8.00am to 5.30pm
Sunday 19th 7.00am to 3.00pm - The tournament will be governed by the “Fishing Rules and Tackle Regulations” of the GFAA and NSWGFA that are in effect at the time.
In addition, the NSWGFA point score system and minimum weights will apply.
Striped Tuna are only eligible for Catch and Release for Junior and Small Fry Awards. Same NSWGFAA Points apply. Use Measure & Release cards.
NSWGFA Tag and Release (T&R) rules apply as do any new rules in effect at the time of the tournament.
CIRCLE HOOKS ONLY are permitted to be used for live baiting and trolling natural baits, whether live, dead, mutilated or dissected except in the case of targeting Narrow Barred Mackerel (Scomberomorus Commerson) NB: no points to be scored for any species caught while using live baits and/or trolling baits with “J” hooks.
Circle Hook Definition
A hook with its point turned 90 degrees or less back towards the shank of the hook.
Releasing tagged fish: The hook is to be removed or the leader cut as close as possible to the fish.
LINE CLASSES which will be recognized are 4kg, 6kg,
8kg, 10kg, 15kg, 24kg, 37kg and 60kg.
SPECIES – eligible species will be those approved by
NOTE: Burleying must not commence before the start of fishing on each day of the tournament.
Yellowfin Tuna: 15kg on line classes up to and including 15kg line, equal to line class for over 15kg line, and for Junior/Small Fry anglers equal to the line class in all cases.
Southern Bluefin tuna: 15kg on line classes up to and including 15kg line, equal to line class for over 15kg line, and for Junior/Small Fry anglers equal to the line class in all cases.
Marlin: a minimum of 70kg on line classes 4kg to 10kg and a minimum of 90kg on 15kg line class and over. For Junior/Small Fry Anglers a minimum of 60kg on line classes 4kg to 10kg and a minimum of 80kg on 15kg line class and over.
Other game fish (OGF) and Broadbill: minimum weight to be equal to line class.
Time, Line Class & Approximate Weight must be given when reporting Capture and T&R. Failure to do so will result in your fish being recorded as after the last fish recorded and on 60kg line class.
Any fish captured which is found to be more than 20% different from the measurement provided when the fish was reported will be disqualified.
Any fish reported as hooked up prior to cease of fishing on Friday or Saturday may continue to be fought and will be eligible for Capture and T&R points in the tournament up until close of the gantry at 4.00pm Sunday.
For all Captures and T&R to be eligible on Sunday, all fish, tag cards, paperwork and tackle required for checking must be within the confines of the gantry by 4.00pm Sunday.
T&R prizes are calculated by number of fish T&R by angler on any line class
Shoot out prizes are based on number of Marlin for T&R and Heaviest by any line class for capture of Marlin.
In the event of a tie the prize/trophy involved will be awarded to the boat/angler who reaches the winning weight/winning number of fish first (countback system)
Prizes/Trophies: A maximum of two Prizes/Trophies only will be awarded to any one fish captured.
Anglers are responsible for the disposal of their captures. Fish not wanted should be taken at least five (5) km to sea (outside the marine park) and cut open before disposing thereof.
If any fish or fish carcass is cut up and disposed of in the confines of the weigh station or Batemans Bay marina, such fish having been caught in accordance with the rules of this tournament, that fish will be disqualified from the tournament. In the event of any shark or marlin given away for eating, only the fillets may be given, and the remaining carcass is the responsibility of the skipper and crew.
All paperwork for capture and tag and release must be completed before presenting fish or fishing tackle to the weigh master on each day of fishing. All Tag Cards and paperwork must be filled in completely including line class and time of capture/ T&R or they will not be accepted.
Photo or Video Evidence of angler hooked up and tag applied to fish must be submitted to tag/weigh station with tag card at end of days fishing.” Supply your own cord to download “
Competitors are reminded that NSW Fisheries regulations prohibit the sale for cash or kind, of fish taken by an unlicensed fisherman and/or boat. Sale of fish will result in disqualification from the tournament.
Misconduct. The Tournament Committee may, on its own initiative, investigate and act upon any incident occurring during the tournament. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary in such circumstances. The Tournament Committee may invoke penalties of loss of points or disqualification of fish, angler, boat or team where misconduct is deemed to have taken place. All competitors are reminded that as members of a club they are regarded as representatives of their club. As such, any unbecoming behavior reflects adversely on the club and, indeed, on all game fishers.
NSWGFA Anglers must use the Billfish Tag to tag ALL Billfish. This is the only TAG that will be recognized for Billfish in any tournament, competition, and point score trophy. The Billfish tag is for billfish only (no other species).
The Adjudication Committee is Andrew Turner -0415652345- Jack Johnston – 0415136627 -David Britton -0409398648-
Adjudication Committee’s determination of any protest or rule interpretation will be final. Protests, if any, must be submitted to a member of the Tournament Committee in writing, signed by the boat captain by 4.30 pm Sunday 19th January 2025. All tournament decisions and rulings are final and binding on all entrants.
Anglers are advised that there is to be no comment to the media by competitors – all media must go through the President.
Shark tag and release points have been amended following NSWGFA AGM see below and can be found on
6-10 kg
Blue sharks
Shoot Out Rules.
To enter the Shoot Out the boat must be entered in the GARMIN Tollgate Island Classic Tournament.
Entry to the Shoot Out is optional and in addition to Tournament entry fee.
Shoot Out Entry Fee is $200 per boat.
Minimum of 20 boats @ $200 per boat required. Shoot Out Entry Fees refunded if not enough boats enter.
If no prize is awarded the winner or winners are to be drawn from a hat.
A fish must weigh minimum weights for a senior angler as per NSWGFA rules to be eligible. A very strict rule on calling the length will be enforced (As per rule: 24)
Capture Shoot Out winner will be the heaviest Marlin on the day of the Shoot Out.
T&R Shoot Out winner will be the team Tagging and Releasing the greatest number of Marlin the day of the Shoot Out. In the event of a tie a count back will occur (refer rule 29)
Shoot Out will be conducted on one day only of the tournament which shall be advised to all anglers at the tournament briefing.